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29 Nov 2007 17:00 Africa/Lagos
New Yorkers say 'I Love Holiday Time in the City'
Even with the added crowds and traffic, four in five New Yorkers say they love New York City during the holidays; Two in three think their town is the place to visit and add there is nothing better than their city from Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day

Times Square
NEW YORK, Nov. 29 /PRNewswire/ --
With the air of the holidays fresh upon their city's streets, nine in ten New Yorkers say they shrug off the added crowds and traffic as part of the traditions that make New York City more memorable during the holidays. In fact, a survey conducted by Braun Research for Bank of America reveals that New Yorkers actually find the tourist's holiday spirit quite contagious.
(Logo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050720/CLW086LOGO-b )
-- Four in five New Yorkers say they "love holiday time" in New York City;
-- Two-thirds think New York City's "the place to visit" during the
-- And while 70 percent say visiting the city during the holidays can be
stressful, near overwhelming, two in three say "there is nothing better
than New York City" from Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day.
"The New York Holiday Survey tells us that New Yorkers are just as apt to revel in their city and even relish donning the tourist's hat during the holidays," said Jeff Barker, Consumer Executive of the Metro New York Division of Bank of America. "Two in three come in for typical sightseeing activities such as shopping and events. More than half visit at least a few times. And, one in five says they visit at least once a week. In the city that has it all, it seems even New Yorkers can't get enough."
What more do BankAmericard(R) New York Holiday Survey respondents look for from their city during the holidays?
A place to relax: Four in five seek out places to put up their feet
up, relax and recharge
Restrooms! Another four in five hope for clean restrooms
without the crowds
Kids too, please: Half look for kid friendly pit-stop destinations
Wine and Dine: Half also intend to come in and dine out
Then Tour: 46 percent intend to see Rockefeller Center's tree
42 percent to tour the retail stores' holiday
Shop till You Drop: 39 percent plan to shop Midtown, 31 percent
Toss the plans: 71 percent say part of the fun is keeping the visit
spontaneous, un-planned and last minute
Pamper me: 70 percent desire a concierge that reserves them hot
tickets and even hotter-dinner reservations
'Tis Better to Give: Nine in ten say give a gift that makes someone's
wish come true
Bank of America commissioned the BankAmericard(R) New York Holiday Survey in connection with the BankAmericard(R) Gift on Fifth. Open through Sunday, December 2 at 36th Street and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, the BankAmericard Gift on Fifth provides a public-access shoppers lounge that caters to every New York holiday visitor need with free giveaways (e.g., hot cocoa and coffee, reusable tote bags), amenities (e.g., public rest rooms, family-styled seating, play area for children) and even complimentary services (e.g., gift wrapping, tourist concierge, massage therapy). As homage to the famed New York department store annual tradition, The BankAmericard Gift on Fifth also features four special holiday window displays to entertain and delight passersby.
About the BankAmericard(R) New York Holiday Survey
Conducted by Braun Research via telephone from November 9 - 13, the BankAmericard(R) New York Holiday Survey captured responses of 500 New Yorkers concerning their favorite activities in and feelings about New York City during the holidays (from Thanksgiving Day through New Year's Day). "New Yorkers" were defined as individuals who reside in the New York metro area (i.e., Manhattan, the Outer Boroughs, Long Island, Westchester, other New York counties, New Jersey and Connecticut). More than 40 percent of respondents live in one of the five boroughs, nearly one-third in New Jersey, nearly one- quarter in a New York county, and less than five percent in Connecticut. 25 percent of respondents work in Manhattan. The margin of error is +/- 4 percent.
About Bank of America
Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small and middle market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk-management products and services. The company provides unmatched convenience in the United States, serving 57 million consumer and small business relationships with more than 5,700 retail banking offices, more than 17,000 ATMs and award-winning online banking with more than 22 million active users. Bank of America is the No. 1 overall Small Business Administration (SBA) lender in the United States and the No. 1 SBA lender to minority-owned small businesses. The company serves clients in 175 countries and has relationships with 98 percent of the U.S. Fortune 500 companies and 80 percent of the Fortune Global 500. Bank of America Corporation stock (NYSE:BAC) is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20050720/CLW086LOGO-b
AP Archive: http://photoarchive.ap.org/
PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com
Source: Bank of America
CONTACT: Tara Burke, Bank of America, +1-203-292-6590,
Web site: http://www.bankofamerica.com/