Linda is lovely and she is very close to me.
She was introduced to me in the Summer of 1997. She wanted to be a model. I have been with the Queen of Nigerian models, Yemi Fawaz and other beauties in Nigeria and I was very popular among the pretty babes. So, Linda was at home in my company. And we became friends. I gave her hints and she was smart enough to follow them. It was not long before she had her first break with Silverbird, the best organisers of Beauty Pageants in Africa. She was chosen as one of their models and was an instant success as a fashion model.

Linda is now a celebrity in Nigeria and we have remained close since 1997 to date.
Most of the girls and young ladies mistake us for lovers.Because, we look like true lovers. But, we are not lovers. We have not slept and we haven't spent even a night together. But, we are closer than the lovers I have had since we met eight years ago.
If I sleep with her I would not be able to break up with her, because I love her. But, she doubts it.
Eya that is so sweet, so are you really serious with Linda? and do you see yourself being with her?
Or do you see her as a friend and when you involve sex into it, it will collapse, that is do you see yourself as being her lover or her friend.
Hope you had a nice day, im having a very bad day!
We are just too confidants and only God knows the future.
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