I have to blog this from my pals on MSN. You will be more amused than confused.

One of the most entertaining games TV watchers play is, "Have they or haven't they?" Of course, the topic is plastic surgery and speculating whether this or that actor has gone under the knife or needle. Experienced TV viewers will know that if you even ask the question, chances are the answer is yes. And because of syndication, TiVo, DVD releases and endless reruns, actors can be scrutinized and dissected even more brutally. And we're not even talking about the celebrated ladies of a certain age, such as Cher or Joan Rivers, who've owned up to their procedures. Young Hollywood is partaking more and more as well. Now, we're not going to break doctor-patient confidentiality, but there are a few famous faces (and bodies, such as Nicollette Sheridan's, left) that just look a little, well, improved these days. Not that that's a bad thing.
Nicolette Sheridan

Jessica Biel Yes, yes, "Sexiest Woman Alive, blah blah blah." But honestly, the lovely Jessica seems to be addicted to Hollywood's latest recreational drug of choice. I'm talking, of course, about collagen (or its shinier, longer-lasting cousin, Restylane). There's nothing sexy about fish lips, sweetie. You're adorable just like you were.
yup! some people just cant be satisfied with God's gift. they gotta enhance it. Seen the cover of Lil' Kim's new album? case in point.
I just want these star-crazy fans to realize the reality from the fantasy.
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