Guess why I am posting this attractive and seductive cover picture of Courtney Love on the Rolling Stone?
I am ready to pay one million dollars to Courtney to spend just one night with me and her life will never be the same again.
Now Courtney Love is the opposite of Judith Stegman who could be the last American Virgin who is still a virgin at 49!
You doubt me? Or you doubt her?
Well, how can she prove to me that she is still a virgin?
There is only one way to prove it.
Let her spend just one night with me. And in the morning, she can do another virginity test.
Let's boggie-woggie from the top to the bottom.
Coogan and Love deny baby claim
Source: Daily Post
CLAIMS that singer Courtney Love is carrying Steve Coogan's baby were
denied by both stars.
The showbiz world was left stunned by reports that the wild woman of
rock was pregnant by the Alan Partridge star after a two-week fling.
But Coogan's spokeswoman scoffed at the claims and insisted: "It's
Drug addict Love, 41, the widow of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, was
said to have enjoyed an affair with Coogan while they were both
staying at the Sunset Marquis hotel in West Hollywood.
In a statement yesterday, Love denied the claims.
"Courtney Love wishes to make it clear that she denies recent stories
suggesting she is pregnant or has had a relationship with Steve
Coogan," said Sanctuary Artist Management. Love is currently in rehab
after admitting using drugs while on probation for three separate drug
and assault cases.
Coogan, 39, has admitted cheating on his wife Caroline Hickman with
two lapdancers.
Knightley hates attention in private life
Source: World Entertainment News Network
Hollywood actress KEIRA KNIGHTLEY avoids partying at London's trendiest night spots because she hates the attention she receives in them.
The 20-year-old British beauty prefers to keep a low-key profile when out on the town and sticks to nights out at her local pub with friends where nobody bothers her.
Knightley says, "I certainly don't court attention, which is why I've never been to clubs like Chinawhite."
"I'd rather be with my friends having a pint. And I can still do that without any problems." (AR/WNTST/GES)
Crowe's outbursts result In great acting
Source: World Entertainment News Network
(WENN via COMTEX) -- Oscar-winning film-maker RON HOWARD is happy to tolerate RUSSELL CROWE's temper tantrums, because they usually precede his best performances.
The former HAPPY DAYS star has teamed up with Crowe twice - on 2001's A BEAUTIFUL MIND and this year's (05) CINDERELLA MAN - and he has found approaching the Australian actor with simple logic is the best way to transform his anger into mesmerising acting.
He says, "Working with Russell, I always say, is a little but like filming on a tropical island.
"You know the weather's going to change several times during the course of the day, but you also know it's a beautiful island and you want to be there, and if you just wait a few minutes the sun will come out.
"You know, he does have a quick temper. But I always approach him at these moments with simple logic and I always find that it works."
Black's Leaning Tower of Pisa fantasy
Source: World Entertainment News Network
PIXIES frontman FRANK BLACK fantasizes about tearing down Italy's Leaning Tower Of Pisa because he loves causing controversy on his travels.
The DEBASER hitmaker - who released his solo album HONEYCOMB earlier this month (AUG05) - has already drawn up plans to topple Pisa's famously crooked landmark.
The 40-year-old singer says, "It would be fun. You could probably do it with a kite string or something, just pop it over.
"Everyone would be outraged." (AS/WNSINS/SC)
Virgins by choice, women embrace ancient ministry
By: Patricia Montemurri
Source: Detroit Free Press
Judith Stegman wants to reclaim the word "virgin" from the jokes,satire and stigma.
When people ask whether she's married, the 49-year-old Haslett resident replies, "Yes, and no."
"I'm not married to a man, but I'm far from being single," Stegman tells people. "I'm a consecrated virgin in the Catholic Church."
At a time when virginity is getting the Hollywood laugh-track treatment -- the movie "The 40 Year-Old Virgin" opened Friday and was No. 1 at the box office over the weekend, raking in $20.6 million.
Stegman wants to celebrate the V-word for its beauty and integrity.
"An important part of being this," she said, "is not to be afraid to say it."
But it took even Stegman a while to do so with a serene smile.
"I'm not remaining a virgin because I'm repressing some part of sexuality, or giving everything to my work, or refraining from loving relationships," Stegman said Friday. "I'm invited to a loving relationship with Christ."
She is one of about 160 women in the United States, and seven in Michigan, who are consecrated virgins. They are members of a little-known ministry that dates to Christianity's earliest days.
These women pursue a spiritual vocation, but not as members of a convent or religious order. They work as teachers, nurses, lawyers or,like Stegman, certified public accountants. They support themselves,follow a life of prayer and, in the words of Catholic canon law, are "mystically betrothed to Christ."
On her left ring finger, Stegman wears a silver band fashioned to resemble an ancient oil lamp. It symbolizes her betrothal to Jesus Christ and evokes the imagery of the gospel parable about 10 virgins, five of whom had lanterns lacking oil. Without it, they were unready for the return of the bridegroom, a symbol for Christ.
Getting comfortable with calling.
Raised in a Catholic family in Cincinnati, Stegman, the oldest of six children, said she was inspired by the nuns who taught her. She dated in high school and at Michigan State University in the 1970s, but found it never as exciting or fulfilling as her girlfriends did.
She flourished as an accountant, but struggled with how to nurture her religious calling. Then a friend pointed out an article about consecrated virgins in a journal. She approached the Diocese of Lansing, studied with a spiritual director and began praying the Liturgy of the Hours, which all priests and religious sisters say daily.
But even when she was consecrated in a Lansing ceremony at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in 1993, Stegman had trouble embracing the language.The invitations to the rite and breakfast reception didn't mention the word "virgin." Instead, guests were invited to celebrate a "commitment to a life of celibacy in the Catholic Church."
It took years of prayer, meetings with other consecrated virgins and experiencing the respect others showed her before Stegman was more comfortable discussing her calling. Now, she prays formally several times a day at a private chapel in her basement, a room decorated with religious paintings and miniature stained-glass pieces propped up against a window.
By special permission of the Lansing bishop, Stegman prays before at abernacle that contains the Holy Eucharist, the consecrated communion bread that Catholics believe is the body of Christ. The triangular cabinet was built by Stegman's father, gilded by a sister and adorned with handmade wooden religious symbols by a friend who is a Catholic deacon.
"It's a distinct privilege to have it in my home," Stegman said. "I want Christ in my home. For a consecrated virgin, it's like having her spouse at home."
During the busy tax season at her Lansing office, she'll close the door, light a candle and take 15 minutes for prayer. She sits on the finance committees of the Diocese of Lansing and her parish, sings in the church choir and is a board member of the Michigan Catholic Conference, the policy-making arm of Michigan's seven Catholic dioceses.
A position of honor
Still, she said, the vocation is "one of being and not of doing. ...It's more of who you are in relation to God."
At St. Thomas Aquinas parish in East Lansing, active parishioners "know of her and hold her in high regard for the witness of her life," said the Rev. Steven Mattson, associate pastor.
When five men, including Mattson, were ordained to the priesthood in June in the Lansing diocese, Stegman recited a reading to showcase her little-known vocation. Mattson said there are similarities between the role of the diocesan parish priest, who often lives alone and without the community of other priests, and the singular nature of Stegman's calling.
While there continues to be a sharp decline in the ranks of priests and nuns in the Catholic Church in America, there are about 1,500 consecrated virgins worldwide, with the largest contingents in France and Argentina. There are no consecrated virgins in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Stegman said two women currently are preparing for the rite in Michigan.
She is president of the U.S. Association of Consecrated Virgins, and is paring back some of her accounting work to focus even more on her faith. The association's Web site, www.consecratedvirgins.org, is maintained by a consecrated hermit in Oregon. That's another rite open.
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