BoggyWoggy has over 20,000 in-bound links from over 15,000 sites and this is official. And you can search Google to verify my claim.
Some weeks ago, I boasted about BlogExplosion as the best blog traffic site and that is an official fact in the virtual world. And BlogExplosion is expanding everyday with new ground breaking features such as BlogCharm the latest and the best for free blog-hosting where you can share the dividends from adverts 50/50! BlogExplosion also has free image-hosting and now guess what? BlogExplosion is launching their own Radio! Don't ask me, ask BlogExplosion!Because, BlogExplosion is causing a real explosion in the blogosphere!
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Now! The best web traffic site is Traffic Wave and if you want to take me up on this, bring it on!
BoggyWoggy had only about 800 in-bound links last month! But since I joined Traffic Wave, BoggyWoggy's links from other sites have increased to over 20,000 within on 20 days! And I have to inform Technorati to update their records on my 10 blogs on Technorati.
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